Table of Contents

1. taekwondo [poomsae]

1.1. objectives:

  1. describe the nature and background of the sport
  2. learn the basic skills of the sport
  3. execute the skills involved in the sport
  4. develop alertness and quick reaction
  5. exhibit concern for safety of self and others

1.2. ying & yang

  • this figure is the korean taeguk symbol, it is equivalent to the chinese symbol taijiti that represents the unity of opposites (the yin and yang)

    taeguk is also the name iof the red and blue circular symbol that is found in the flag of south korea

1.3. taekwondo

  • is a martial art that originated in korea

    it is a sport that combines cambat and self-defense techniques with sport and exercise, it also focuses on mental attributes and ethical discpline strengths too.

    training in taekwondo includes a system of blocks, kicks punches, and open-handed strikes, it also involves several take-downs or sweeps, throws and join locks

    • derives from
      • taek = to strike with foot
      • kwon = to strike with fist
      • do = "way", "method", or "path"
      • "the way of the foot and the hand"

1.3.1. dobok

  • taekwondo students/athletes typically wear a dobok with belt tied around the waist
  • the belts color indicates the rank, the darker the color, the higher the rank

1.3.2. pomsae

  • in taekwondo, the term taeguk referes to a set of poomsae or forms used to learn taekwondo
  • a poomsae or form is defined pattern of defense-and-attack movements, each poomsae or form symbolizes a specific state thought to be indicative of the belt the student currently holds

Author: Rori Red

Created: 2022-01-31 Mon 23:46
